As a non-profit organization, the Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library is governed by our Board of Directors...but our Board does so much more than just govern!
The PTLL Board is a working board composed of volunteer members who dedicate their time to the running of the organization. Since the PTLL has no paid staff, our Board is responsible for overseeing all of our operations as well as personally carrying out most of them.
Additionally, we have several "Friends of the Board." These are volunteer members who do a little extra to keep the PTLL running, without the full commitment of a Board position.
We are always thrilled to hear from anyone who might be interested in serving on our Board of Directors! Depending on the position, time commitment can vary from a few hours per month to a few hours per week. Check out our open positions, or get in touch!
The Board of Directors meets monthly, and all members (volunteer or not) are invited to attend our meetings. We welcome any thoughts, concerns, or ideas you might want to share. We especially encourage anyone who wants to be more involved with the PTLL (whether you're considering a Board position or not) to attend and learn more about us.
Typically, our meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., at the toy library. Members are welcome to just show up and kids are welcome, too.